Monday, November 24, 2008

It's New Tag Day! It's New Tag Day!

After a long wait, today was finally the day. It was time to purchase new food for the dogs (wet and dry) - the larders were bare. Off we went, to replenish the supply.

While standing at the register it occurred to me that the dogs were in need of new tags - only Paolo had one, and his was from his old house. I noticed that the pet food store sold tags, so why not? After the ten minute process of filling out information for all five dogs, and a fifteen minute creative process, all of the dogs had shiny new name tags.

Holly was the first to notice something good had happened. Not only did we walk in with over fifty pounds of dog food (Holly's note to self: find a way to break in to the dog food bin later tonight) and twelve cans of duck and potato goodness, but there was this rattling bag. Rattling bags are always good news for the Dogs on Propps, so she followed me to where I began to assemble the rings on the tags. More of the dogs became curious, and one by one, as they came into the room, they all got new tags.

My bet is that Koko eats hers off first. She tends to not like things ringing around her neck, and as the wise consumer that I am, I purchased some lovely metal tags that all make noise...thus, when any of the dogs moves throughout the house, it makes a soothing dinging noise that reminds me of know, times five.

I'm positive that soothing feeling will pass quickly.

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