Monday, November 24, 2008

A Tip of the Hat has been almost two years since we had to have Lily put to sleep. Though she was never a "Dog on Propps", (she was more of a Chapala girl) she most certainly would have qualified. Lily was one of the happiest (though that is not evident from the picture above), most relaxed dogs ever to walk the earth.  Her first day at home, she made a headlong leap into our pool and had to be saved from drowning.  After a day of rest and a visit to the doctor, (turns out she had parvovirus when we brought her home), she settled in to an easy life of laying in the sun and sleeping on the couch.  Lily truly smiled. Sometimes you see pictures of dogs who are panting, or running, so they look like they're smiling.  Not Lily.  When her family would arrive home, she would run to the door with her tail wagging so hard that her whole body shook, and would pull her lips back into one of the biggest smiles her face could muster.  On the day she was put to sleep, she was still smiling.  She was a gift, and there will never be another like her. Somewhere, she's smiling for us, and also probably wondering what the heck we were thinking getting a fifth dog. She is greatly missed.

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