Thursday, November 27, 2008


It seems reasonable on this day for the Dogs on Propps to be reflective of the things for which they are grateful.  What follows is a hastily compiled list based on what each dog is thankful for:

Koko - being able to shed on nice red couches on a daily basis, not having to be crated during the day, "Koko Bites" (extra pieces of tortilla from Taco Bell burritos), being in charge of all of the Dogs on Propps, and for sleeping all day. 

Holly - running, chewing things up, bones, pushing covers off of people who are sleeping, her human mama, running, and chasing rabbits.  She is also thankful for the elaborate routine her humans need to undertake in the morning in order to trick her into getting into her crate. This process involves going outside and refusing to come in until cajoled by at least three of the humans.  At this point, she has the process at about twenty minutes, but she believes she can get it to thirty minutes by this time next year. 

Ella - thankful for her boy (D), bones, her boy, sitting on her boy's lap while he watches TV, and for occasionally being allowed to spend the day outside of her crate. Also, her boy.

Paolo - thankful for barking, bones, sleeping under blankets, looking at PostSecret on Sunday mornings with his human mama, "talking" to people (a RAH rah), chasing cats, and standing in the sunshine.

Madden - thankful for his new home, his new sisters, brothers, dragging new yarn into the muddy leaves, bones, and for whatever trash he is able to find on the floor that he believes is edible. 

Happy Thanksgiving from the Dogs on Propps!

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