Friday, January 16, 2009

New Year's Eve Dog Park Visit

Over the break, the Dogs on Propps took a visit to the dog park north of their home. They wanted to ensure they celebrated the last day of 2008 in spectacular fashion, so off to the dog park it was.

To begin, it must be noted that only four of the dogs on Propps actually get to take the trip to the dog park. We have discovered, after several unsuccessful trips, that Ella hates the dog park. She loathes it with a passion that burns like a thousand suns. She is overwhelmed with all the smells, and feels like she needs to protect her family from the other dogs, and it wears her out. She gets an automatic pass to stay home.

So...Holly, Koko, Paolo, and Madden piled in the car with the girls and the grown-ups, and off we went.

Getting out of the car was half the battle when we arrived at our destination. Koko, as the largest, could see what was coming from a mile away. She saw the other dogs, and immediately began whining. Not a polite, 'aww...look at the cute other puppies' whine, but a 'OHMYGODGETMEOUTOFTHISCARTHISINSTANT' whine. She pulled and pushed and scratched legs (sorry M) in order to be the first one out of the car and into the park.

One adult got out of the car, blocking all other dogs except Koko.

Other adult held back two dogs while oldest girl child tried to get out with Holly (gotta go in size order to avoid injury). Then, adult grabbed Paolo's leash to try to help him out. Paolo, wild with anxiety and excitement at this point, was prancing about, attempting to get out to meet other new dogs. Madden was carried out by the youngest girl, knowing not what he would encounter upon entering the dog park.

It is a sight, I imagine, to see people arrive with four dogs (and one left at home), and the energy that they contain when they get into the ante area of the park. We entered, and were immediately greeted by a myriad of dogs.

Knowing that dogs are pack animals, and that they always figure out who's in charge, it's interesting to watch them work. Some like to go to play, some explore, some are shy. Our dogs at home, of course, have certain personalities that we see daily. Koko is in charge, and really not interested in much except being in charge. Paolo is anxious and cranky, and does not like new people. Holly is friendly and happy, and Madden is usually easygoing and laid back.

Upon our arrival at the dog park, however, we noticed significant changes in these behaviors. Koko gets nervous at the dog park, but will run around. Holly stays about the same, exploring different dog odors, (and the source of those odors, if you get my drift), and Madden and Paolo do a super doggie personality switch at the gate.

Paolo, who is not interested in anything else but his human dad and sleeping, declared himself Official Park Greeter. He waited by the gate for new dogs to enter, then wagged his tail and jumped and played with them. When not talking to new dogs, he would go to meet new people...jumping on their legs, asking them to play with him.

Madden, who never met a stranger, declared himself Protector of all things Dogs on Propps. He would not go far from us, but when he did, he was chasing other dogs away and yelling at them for approaching any of his family members. He was not letting anyone get near his family. GETAWAYGETAWAYGETAWAY.

After thirty minutes of corraling and chastising and doing a constant head count, it was time to go. Madden and Koko had each been involved in minor scuffles, (one involving Koko chasing a screaming child...stop running away, Nathaniel!) and Holly and Paolo had made some new friends. We leashed everyone and headed out the gate, tired from the experience.

They can't wait to go back.Madden, ready to kick some ass. Look away lest you want your eyeballs ripped out.

Holly had already been for a run that morning. She was So Very Tired.

Paolo on the meet and greet track. Notice his sleek physique and friendly attitude.

Koko telling Other Dog who's boss. She then spit on him and kicked sand in his face.

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